My inspirations, endeavors, and discoveries within could have not been reached without my former and incredible boss, friend and brother, Congressman Trent Franks. Serving in his legislative office and his mentorship have allowed me to accomplish with him some incredible victories and further the causes we love for the United States of America, the State of Israel, and our constituents. I want to thank all our internal supporters & outside stakeholders for your support and advocacy efforts, helping us drive our priority policy objectives through Congress.
I extend my greatest gratitude to the Israel Allies Foundation (IAF) and its honorable supporters for the grants that funded my fellowship in the Congressman’s office during the time I served there as a senior fellow and advisor on Israel and Middle Eastern Affairs. Without your noble support none of this would have come to pass.
Thank you Mr. Edwin Black for helping us save the world by stopping assistance from being used for PA terror finance. Without Edwin's brilliance & genius I don't know where we would be at today. Thank God for Edwin Black.
I would like to extend a special thank you to Mr. Ezra Friedlander for all your hard work and tireless efforts on awarding the Congressional Gold Medal to Shimon Peres.
I would also like to thank Mr. Eli Gold for everything he is doing for our country. Eli really made my time on the Hill special and impactful. Just ask him about our briefing with Representative Kerry Bentivolio and Yazidis Christian Minorities or our meeting with the senior finance advisor to the finance minister of Japan.
I feel grateful to have had the opportunity to work with extremely talented and smart colleagues. I am thankful for the great times working together with: Jason & Jason, Etgar, Siamac, Don, Bobby, Jacki, Rob, David, Sarah, Meir, Melody, Randy, Jonathan, Stephanie, Anna, Chelsea, Destiny, Amy, Kenny, Elizabeth, Victoria, Clay, Zachary, Dustin, Andy, Paul, Jessica, Matt, Ben and many more.
Bar-Ilan University and my professor & dissertation supervisor, thank you for your kind support, time, and menotorship you have extended to me as I pursue my doctorate in political science. I wish to also express my gratitude and appreciation to Heinrich Henie University of Dusseldorf and the IDC of Herzliya for my study programs and degrees that gave me a solid academic foundation for working in Government.
To the board, senior fellows, Senior Vice President Eli Gold and President Dr. Herb London of the London Center for Policy Research, thank you for everything we are doing together to protect national security and western democracy.
To the board, staff, Secretary of the Organization Dr. Ben Chouake, Vice President Dr. Munr Kazmir, and President Mr. Jack Rosen of the American Jewish Congress, thank you for all your dedication and all the work you do on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people.
To my friends & family - sister Leah and mother & father - I wish to express my loving appreciation for all your support.
To my wife & lifetime partner Diana, thank you for this journey we are on together and your unconditional love.